The skin is a direct reflection of the overall health of an indivisual's system.
Homeopathy believes in understanding the totalistic causative factors leading to skin diseases, whereby the study of
skin, mind, genetic influences and immunological patterns together determine the line of treatment.
Homoeopathy condemns the use of local steroids for all chronic skin diseases.Steroids only 'suppress' the skin disease
without curing the root of the illness. In most cases, the skin diseases resurface after the use of steroids.
Homeopathy offers scientific approach to skin disease treatment such as:
1. Eczema, Atopic dermatitis, Infantile eczema
2. Psoriasis
3. Lichen Planus and other variants
4. Vitiligo, pigmentary disorders
5. Fungus infections
6. Chronic and recurring bacterial infections
7. Urticaria and other allergic disorders
8. Warts, Molluscum Contagiosa, Herpes genitalis, Herpes Zoster, and other viral infections
9. Lupus and other collagen diseases
10. Acne, Dandruff, Hair loss, alopecia areata, etc.